Blockchain Advocacy
- •The rapid growth of the Bitcoin and Blockchain ecosystem in Australia over the past few years has relied on industry partcipants educating customers and members of the public on the technology.
- •For such a new emerging technology innovation such as blockchain, there’s also a need for knowledge hubs, community centres and impartial not for profit advocacy groups and organisations.
- •Since November 2014, Blockchain Centre in Melbourne has been Australia’s only knowledge centre and community startup hub and coworking space for Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology. Blockchain Centre facilitates numerous blockchain education workshops and also provides space and resources for industry members.
- •In addition to Blockchain Centre, there are two other Blockchain Industry advocacy not for profit organisations. They are the Blockchain Association of Australia and ADCCA.
- •Blockchain Centre is proud to endorse and support the work the great work of both these organisation in assisting with the education, consumer protection and growth of the Blockchain Industry in Australia.

Our primary aim is to foster a culture of innovation, sharing and collaboration in the blockchain ecosystem to ensure that Australian businesses and individuals can reap the numerous rewards that blockchain technology offers.
As the Australian Digital Currency business association, our charge is to speak at a national and international level on behalf of the nation’s leading DC businesses. The organisation’s founding mandate is intended to act as the essential connection between merchants, industry, governments, regulators, financial institutions and influential policy forums which give direction to this emerging industry at home and abroad. A private sector membership congress, ADCCA is a unique business organisation in Australia with the intention of having our members form a National Member Network made up of the peak economic sectors across the nation.